Checklists are a great way to help us stay motivated and keep organized, and of course there's always the satisfaction of checking that last item off your list. We've assembled a checklist to help make implementing your office recycling program easier. Feel free to print and reference this resource or get in touch with us for more tips and information!
Select Your Eco-Ambassador
First and foremost, select an Eco Ambassador(s) for your recycling program. Your ambassador(s) should be naturally driven to make organizational change and positively impact recycling initiatives. This person will be the go-to contact for all things recycling in your office and make sure all items on this list are complete.
Complete a Waste-Analysis
A waste-analysis will help you identify what materials your office generates the most of, what kind of receptacles you will need, and which collection methods are appropriate for your company.
Contact your waste hauler
Having a good relationship with your hauler can be very beneficial in the early stages of your program. With the help of your waste assessment, your hauler will be able to tell you which items are accepted by your local material recovery facility, where your containers will be collected, the frequency of weekly pick-ups, the appropriate sizes and quantities of your container(s), appropriate collection methods, and much more.
Equipment Optimization
It's probably been awhile since you've reviewed your equipment set-up. Chances are, there is an opportunity for your business to switch to smaller equipment or change your pick-up frequency based on your waste-analysis.
Analyze your floor plan
Take a look at where waste and recycling is generated the most in your office. Is it in the kitchen, in the copy room, near employee desks? Where ever you find material generated the most, talk to your hauler about providing internal containers in these locations to increase participation among staff.
Create signage & Education
Making your signage & educational materials clear and easy to follow is important so all employees, cleaning staff, and custodians can easily adhere to your recycling rules. We recommend color-coding your streams. For instance, all your mixed paper containers, bin liners, and signage can be blue throughout the property so recycling efficiently becomes a lot easier.
Motivate Employees to Participate
Once your recycling program is set-up, send out a memo to your staff and workers throughout the building to inform them of your new recycling efforts, goals, and guidelines. Explain collection methods, best practices, and make sure your ECO ambassador's contact information is available so your workers know who to speak to with any questions.
Data Reporting
As your program progresses, perform regular reporting. These reports will show you how successful your program is by identifying recycling and diversion rates, cost savings, are more. This information will allow you to gauge what is working and what's not, so you can adjust accordingly.
Need additional assistance? RoadRunner helps businesses get started and manage their waste and recycling programs. If you're interested in learning more, get in touch with us today and we will be happy to help you. Let us know in the comment section below what has made your office recycling program successful!